NIFTY ® (Non-Invasive Fetal TrisomY test)
In the past decade, advancements in genetics and significant progress in genetic technologies have enhanced our ability to comprehend diseases, make diagnoses, and deliver effective treatments.
The introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), particularly DNA-based methods, has revolutionized prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidy. The NIFTY® test (Non-Invasive Fetal TrisomY test), which became the first NIPT to undergo clinical testing in 2010, has been validated through research involving nearly 147,000 pregnancies. By December 31, 2021, over 10 million NIFTY tests had been conducted globally.
NIFTY® screens for several common trisomies at birth, including trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome), and trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome), and also offers testing for sex chromosomal aneuploidies, chromosomal deletions/duplications, and gender determination.
The test is suitable for:
* Women who would like to avoid miscarriage risk following invasive prenatal testing.
* History of a prior pregnancy with a chromosomal abnormality.
* Down syndrome screening indicating an increased risk of abnormalities.
* Pregnancy following IVF or history of recurrent miscarriage.
* A pregnant woman who wishes to have a highly accurate result on whether her baby has Down syndrome.
* Any age of pregnant women from 10 weeks gestation
The NIFTY® Test Pro
NIFTY® Test Pro builds on the standard NIFTY® Test and provides expanded screening options covering all chromosomal numeric aneuploidies and 92 kinds of microdeletion/duplication syndromes.
Test code(s)
BNP-600, BNP-602
under 7 business days
Accepted Sample requirements
Sample collection kit provided by BION