1. Consent

Fill out your sender information, patient, and billing data, then sign the consent

2. Online Ordering Portal

Browse our online test catalogue on BIONPortal® and select a test. Alternatively, download and fill our request form.

3. Sending

Send your sample to BION Genetic Laboratory Please note: Clearly mark your sample with unique identifier(s), last and first name, and DOB.

Information Required for Successful Testing

Sample requirements

BION’ specimen requirements are listed below according to sample type. Please follow all instructions that apply to your sample type in order to prevent any processing delays and to ensure successful testing. Please note that high quality specimens are required to avoid significant degradation which may result in failed or incorrect analyses. Samples should be sent no longer than 24-48 hours of collection.

General Sample Requirements


Draw Sample using only BION NIPT blood collection tube provided in kit.

9 ml blood in cell free DNA tube

Room temperature (Do not freeze, do not refrigerate)

Send no longer than 24 hours

Download instruction


Kit provided by BION

Store and freeze tubes in rack box -20 °C before sending to BION.

Download instruction

EDTA blood
This is our preferred specimen type to receive for all molecular tests including WES, WGS, Chromosome sequencing, panels, etc.

  • 4ml in EDTA (lavender top) 

  • For patients less than 1 year of age, we can accept 1-2ml (minimum).

  • Store samples at 4°C – 8°C prior to sending.

  • Transport stability: 4 days

Heparin blood

This specimen type is for FISH and chromosomal analysis (karyotype) tests.

  • 4ml in Heparin (green top),Sodium heparin is preferred.

  • For patients less than 1 year of age, we can accept 1-2ml (minimum).

  • Store samples at 4°C – 8°C prior to sending.

  • Transport stability: 3 days

Ready-to-use DNA

  • Concentration of > 10 µl/ng

  • Minimum volume of 20 µl.
    260/280 ratio between 1.6–2.1

  • Elution in water or TE buffer

  • Shipment: Ambient temperature overnight

  • Could be stored at -20°C if sample cannot be delivered within 24 hours.

Amniotic fluid

  • Quantity: ≥ 10 ml

  • Shipment: Ambient temperature

  • Transport stability: 24 hours

  • Could be stored at 4°C -8°C if sample cannot be delivered within 24 hours.

  • Amniotic fluid should be sent in a sterile conical tube overnight. Please use parafilm to safe sealed the falcon tubes. Care must be taken to ensure that the sample does not freeze.

Download instructions

CVS (chorionic villi)

  • Quantity: ≥ 10 cleaned villi

  • Shipment: Ambient temperature overnight

  • Transport stability: 24 hours

  • Could be stored at 4°C -8°C if sample cannot be delivered within 24 hours.

  • Prepare the shipment in a sterile conical tube with RPMI medium with fetal bovine medium or calf serum. Please use parafilm to safe seal the falcon tube. (Do not place in formalin)

Download instructions

Abortion Tissue

Shipment: Ambient temperature
Transport stability: 24 hours

Whole Abortion Tissue should be sent in a sterile jar containing normal saline overnight. Could be stored at 4°C -8°C if sample cannot be delivered within 24 hours. Care must be taken to ensure that the sample does not freeze. (DO NOT SUBMERGE THE TISSUE IN SALINE OR WATER OR FORMALIN).

Download instructions

FFPE (Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded) tissue

  • Quantity: 1 block, ≥ 10 sections of 10 µm thickness (uncharged slides without additives) and control slide with clearly marked area of enriched tumor.
    Ambient temperature

  • We recommend to use paraffin Paraplast Bulk.

  • The fixation period is very important and critical, Formol 10% for 12–24 hours (maximal) at pH 7.