Human athletic performance is a highly complex phenotype controlled by more than hundred genes. There are number of factors known to influence sports related genes, including environment, physical, biological, physiological and psychological traits. Genes control all physiological processes in the body such as muscle, cartilage and bone formation, muscle energy production and metabolism (mitochondriogenesis, lactic acid removal), blood and tissue oxygenation (erythropoiesis, angiogenesis, vasodilatation), all essential traits for athletic performance. These physiological traits directly or indirectly influence the individual’s fitness and career in sports. Currently, majority of athletes workouts for more than 10 hours a week and train in either extreme endurance and obstacleracing or extreme power and sprinting. This involves significant time in endurance, strength and power trainings. Knowledge of genetic ‘suitability’ in respect to endurance capacity or strength and speed would help you to select appropriate sport and athletic activity. Although, you have enjoyed all of the sports you have played over the years, but you might have not decided what makes you to excel at some more than others. Knowledge of genetic advantages and barriers would ‘direct’ an individualized training program, nutritional plan and nutritional supplementation to achieve optimal performance, overcoming ‘barriers’ that results from intense exercise and pressure under competition with minimum waste of time and energy and avoidance of health risks (hypertension, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and musculoskeletal injuries) related to exercise, training and competition. You will see your genetic predisposition to, for example, suffer injuries, lower heart rate or your capacity for muscle regeneration. Your genes determine your sport profile, the metabolic and even the overall benefit of the sport for your body.


With MMC Genetic panel for sport you can optimize your workouts, discovering what types of exercise.

Does it all depend on my genes?


Not at all, our body responds to many conditions. Our genes are certainly an important parameter. Lifestyle, sport, food, and many other circumstances influence our body. Knowing yourself certainly helps to treat our body in the most appropriate way.

Every day, more athletes go beyond and what motivates us is overcome us, compete and seek our limits, which is causing an increased incidence and severity of acute and chronic injuries due to sports.”


This increase of sports injuries has not gone unnoticed by the European Community which has already conducted several studies in this respect and is beginning to make awareness-raising campaigns to enable athletes to perform their physical activity addressed and personalized. Only in Europe, more than 2.5 million of non-contact sport injuries are produced each year, which represents a serious economic and social problem.

At SM Genomics, we believe that prevention and proactive actions focused on personalizing physical activity and rehabilitation are essential to reduce the risk of injury and better recovery. This is the reason we offer to sports amateur market our Sports Injury Genetic Test (SIGT), genetic analysis developed and validated in professional athletes that explores 17 genetic changes (polymorphisms or SNPs) related to:


This DNA Performance Test has the following sections:

Sport Profile
We will analyses your genes and your predisposition to excel more at sports of endurance vs. explosiveness. We will examine the aerobic capacity (VO2max) written in your genes, as well as other abilities related to sport.
Muscular Profile
We will see the predisposition of your muscles to strength workouts.  We can see what your genes say about your muscles’ resistance to fatigue, and we can even assess the capacity of your muscles to regenerate, based on your genetic code.
Metabolic Profile
Exercise does not affect everyone the same way. In your genetic code, we can see your overall predisposition to the benefits of sports: how you are predisposed to lose weight, your insulin sensitivity and the performance of sports, and even your predisposition to the reduction of cholesterol through exercise.
Cardiovascular Profile
We can see what your genes say about how your blood pressure may react to exercise, and even your predisposition to lowering it through regular exercise. We can understand your genetics’ effect on how exercise might lower your HDL cholesterol, and how easily you can reduce your average heart rate by exercising.
Risk of Injury
Several studies have associated certain genotypes with a predisposition to suffering certain types of injuries, involving both joints and other types. We can tell you about this predisposition, expressed in certain genes and associated with greater fragility in the ligaments, and other specific pathologies, like Achilles tendon problems.